miércoles, 11 de septiembre de 2013



After the bridal proccesion into the cuhrch, a prayer of dedication will precede the wedding ceremony. After the exchange of vows, a unity candle will be lit. The couple will then be pronunced man and wife, and blessed by the priest.

The twelvw symbols of life are important ina african culture may be administred as part of the wedding ceremony. these are wine, wheat, pepper, salt, bitter herbs, water, a pot and spoon, a broom, honey, a spear, a shield, and a copy of the bible or the koran. Each one represent a different aspect of the love and strengt wich unites 2 families.
In south africa, to mark the start of the newlyweds life together, the brides and grooms parents would traditionally carry a fire from their hearths in their homes to the home of the new couple, where a new fire would be lit


Sweets, eggs, and money are woven into to wedding themes of india. they sympolize, respectively, a sweet life, fertility, and prosperity. The Hindu wedding ceremony includes customary rituals to wars off evil spirits. After the wedding vows have been exchanged the grooms father or brother showers flower petals on the newlyweds; then he holds a coconut over the bride and grooms heads and circles it around them three times. An indian groom often wears a turban with a veil of flowers streaming down in front of his face to protect him from evil spirits.
Traditional Indian brides wear pink and red saris on their wedding day, adoring themselves extravagantly with as much jewerly as possible. Henna stating, a customary art from, is still practiced by Indian brides to be. On the eve of her wedding vows, following a traditional ceremonial cleansing, the bride will have her hands and feet painted with henna, in beautiful paisely or medallion patterns. 
Then a special wedding gift is given to the bride, a necklace signifyning her married status

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